Anti-Racism Resources
In 2020, we experienced a long delayed and much needed uprising of voices in outrage over the brutal murders of Elijah McClain, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd - the list continues to grow. What I have taken to heart is the importance of listening to underrepresented voices and to find my own pathway to action, which includes being ready to use my voice as an agent for change whenever the opportunity arises.
There are many lists of resources out there, and I wanted to share with you some of the voices that have moved me personally:
Rachel Cargle: @rachel.cargle
Equal Justice Initiative: @eji_org
Austin Channing Brown: @austinchanning
OGOR: @ogorchukwuu
Good Black News: @goodblacknews
Erynn Chambers: @therealrynnstar
The Conscious Kid: @theconsciouskid
The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights: @civilrightsorg
Ibram X. Kendi: @ibramxk
Sonya Renee Taylor: @sonyareneetaylor
Alex Albadree: @alex.albadree
Simone Gordon: @theblackfairygodmotherofficial
Amber Ruffin Shares a Lifetime of Traumatic Run-Ins with Police
TED Talk from Baratunde Thurston: How to Deconstruct Racism, One Headline at a Time
Emmanuel Acho: Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man
Franchesca Ramsey: 5 Tips for Being an Ally
Laci Green: Is Racism Over Yet?
Unlocking Us: Brene Brown Interviews Sonya Renee Taylor
Finding Our Way with Prentis Hemphill
The War Report with Gastor Almonte and Shalewa Sharpe
"White Privilege on Facebook: Lori & Jason" - Do the Work